WAXworks is an open, mixed media, work-in-progress showcase suitable for both new and seasoned artists. The program benefits artists on three levels:

(A) PRODUCTION: WAXworks offers an opportunity to showcase up to 12 minutes of work on a professional theatrical stage with experienced theatrical technicians, front of house, and production staff. Participating artists receive HD video footage of their presented work and 3-5 still images courtesy of our WAX photographer, along with the chance to purchase all of the photos.

(B) ADMINISTRATIVE: WAX believes in learning by doing. By providing marketing and promotional tools for artists to use, we hope that each participant feels confident in generating a robust audience for their showcase. WAX staff members can provide feedback on press kit materials, project descriptions, and artist statements submitted during the application process. In an uncertain arts market, creative people need to be just as knowledgeable about speaking about, writing about, and promoting their work as they are creating & performing it! 

(C) DEVELOPMENT: WAXworks asks audience members to provide anonymous written feedback on each work they see. This feedback from the diverse and varied audiences attending WAXworks offers artists valuable insight to help develop their work in a real and constructive way.


WAXworks is a co-presentation between WAX and the participating artists. This means that WAX provides the venue and background production needs, while the artists provide the work. Both WAX and participating artists are responsible for the marketing and promotion of the event.

WAXworks asks every participant to actively develop the audience for their show by sending emails, using social networking tools like Facebook and Instagram, and handing out postcards to friends, family, and acquaintances, encouraging them to attend this unique performance experience. The anonymous audience feedback is only successful when an audience is present! This means that friends and family should be encouraged to see the whole show and offer up their valuable perspective to each artist.

Even with a full paying house, ticket income will only cover part of the cost of the theater alone.


WAXworks takes place at Muriel Schulman Theater

WAXworks is a program produced by WAX (Williamsburg Art neXus, Inc.) at another venue. As such, the venue should not be contacted with questions related to the WAXworks program. You should definitely visit the the venue’s website to find out more about their space and rental opportunities.

If you have any questions about WAXworks, the application process or the venue, please contact the WAXworks producer at WAXworks(at)williamsburgartnexus.org. 

Photography by Andy Ribner