This month, we got a chance to hear from dance artist, Britta Joy Peterson. See the first public showing of her piece, Vinegar Spirit, TOMORROW at our October showcase!
WAXstaff (WS): If you could only use three words to describe your work, what would they be?
Britta Joy Peterson (BJP): Who’s in control?
WS: What part of the creative process do you find most challenging? What do you feel comes easily?
BJP: SCHEDULING. But after all that, everything else is – well – the work. The work is what I enjoy most, and frankly, I see it all as ‘the work’. Pre-production, in-studio research, design conversations, building material/s, experimentation, editing, performance-as-research. Gimme it all, just finding time to be with team is the tricky tetris I’m not the most fond of.
WS: Where do you find inspiration for your work? Or what motivates your work?
BJP: Spoiler alert – it’s a cliché. But, the dancers I work with and the life I live, and the lives and happenings of the people around me.
WS: What specific ideas or elements in your work would you hope to receive feedback on?
BJP: Structure, layering, emergent images experienced by viewers.
WS: What goals do you have for your creative work?
BJP: To never be static. Meaning, with each new thing – making dance, teaching dance, dancing, etc. etc. – pushing forward towards something ‘new’. Even though I don’t believe in ‘new’, but I believe in progress. And risk. And learning.
WS: Share a funny anecdote from a rehearsal or performance.
BJP: Well, we’ve decided that if our spirits are made of vinegar, then our hearts are made of cheese. (This has nothing to do with the dance, and everything to do with food preferences).
WS: Do you have any secret talents?
BJP: I was on a jump rope team in elementary school, and I can still do all the tricks. I know what you’re thinking, no, it wasn’t double dutch. But my solo tricks are still pretty cool.
WS: What’s the last book you read? Movie you watched?
BJP: Right now I’m toggling between Virginie Despentes’ King Kong Theory, and Vivian Howard’s Deep Run Roots. They balance each other out, and complement each other well. Ya know, food and feminism. I haven’t been watching movies lately, but a lot of comic book tv-series. Sometimes I feel like my spirit animal is a hybrid of Jessica Jones, Vanessa Helsing, Michonne, and Jean Grey.
WS: Where can we find more information about your work and upcoming projects?
WS: Anything else you'd like to share?
BJP: WAXworks is pretty rad. Thanks team for all you do to make this happen.